Hair plays a great role in giving person a perfect outlook.
Every person’s physical appearance matter on certain thing and among them hair style is at top of the list. Hair style promotes your facial
appearance. It you have a good style of hair then you will naturally look good
to others but if your hair is not well maintained then it gives kind of bad
impression to others. This thing is important not only for girls but also to
boys. But as women usually have longer hair than men so they need to be more
careful about their style.
Hair style keeps
changes along with time. Those styles that were in fashion a decade back have
faded away now and if someone make that style and go out in public then people
treat him as an out dated personality. Hair
style plays a big role in developing a person’s personality. The style
should not only fit the personality of the person but should also go with the
profession of the person. If a person belonging to the corporate area goes to
his work wearing a suite with a bleached Mohawk on his head then it will surely
seem pretty weird to everyone around. Such a style will only suit to a
youngster who is a fan of punk style.
Styles of hair are mostly introduced by celebrities. Females
usually follow Hollywood actresses and renowned female singers, whereas boys follow
almost all kind of male stars. They are crazy after footballer’s styles, love
to keep hair style of their favorite
movie star and wish to be as cool as their favorite TV star. If a famous footballer
comes up with a new hair style then
every male fan throughout the world of that particular footballer decides to
keep that hair style, no matter it
suits him or not.
If we look at the history of hair style, very few variations have been noticed in men’s style of
hair but great changes have been seen in the women’s section. It is mainly
because of the fact that male usually have short hair length and females have
longer hair. And as their hair are longer so more experiments can be done with
their hair. But those styles that that are kept by women only suits a woman,
not a man with longer hair and it is because of the difference in face cut of
both genders.